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List of National Winners in Swachh Sankalp se Swachh Siddhi (Essay, Films and Painting Competition)
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Skoch order of Merit 2015 in Smart Governance for Swachh Bharat Mission (G) - MIS
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Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation received Rajbhasha Kirti award
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CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards 2012-13
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NRDWP - Integrated Management Information System has won the SKOCH SMART Governance Award as one of india's best 100 projects of 2013, we thank all our users at State and District level for making this possible.
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Award of Excellence -"Preparation of an Action Plan for Innovation in Government Department on April 5,2013 at IIFT, New Delhi."
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Digital Inclusion Award for Online Monitoring System under TSC
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Award for Excellence for outstanding work on Citizen's/Client's Charter
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Prime Minister’s Award
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List of National Winners in Swachh Sankalp se Swachh Siddhi (Essay, Films and Painting Competition)
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Ministry honoured for outstanding work in use of RTI portal