Page 13 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 13


               ABR          Anaerobic Baffled Reactor           DEWATS      Decentralized Wastewater
               ACS          Additional Chief Secretary                      Treatment System

               AKAM         Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav             DPO         District Panchayat Officer
               AMRUT        Atal Mission for Rejuvenation       DPR         Detailed Project Report
                            and Urban Transformation            DRDA        District Rural Development

               ASHA         Accredited Social Health                        Agency
                            Activist                            DRDO        District Rural Development
               AWC          Anganwadi Centre                                Organization

               AWW          Anganwadi Worker                    DWSC        District Water and Sanitation
               BBEL         Bharat Biogas Energy Limited
               BCC          Behaviour Change                    FC          Finance Commission
                            Communication                       FLW         Frontline Worker

               BDO          Block Development Officer           FOM         Fermented Organic Manure
               BOD          Biochemical Oxygen Demand           FPO         Farmer Producer Organization
               BPCL         Bharat Petroleum Corporation        FSM         Faecal Sludge Management
                            Limited                             FSMU        Faecal Sludge Management Unit
               BRC          Block Resource Centre               FSTP        Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant
               BWM          Biodegradable Waste                 FY          Financial Year
                            Management                          GHG         Greenhouse Gas
               CBG          Compressed Biogas                   GIS         Geographical Information
               CBO          Community Based Organization                    System
               CCEA         Cabinet Committee on                GOBARdhan Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro
                            Economic Affairs                                Resources Dhan
               CNG          Compressed Natural Gas              GP          Gram Panchayat
               CSC          Community Sanitary Complex          GWM         Greywater Management
               CSR          Corporate Social Responsibility     H&UD        Housing and Urban
               CSTR         Continuous Stirred Tank                         Development
                            Reactor                             ICAR        Indian Council of Agricultural
               CW           Constructed Wetland                             Research
               CYDA         Centre for Youth Development        ICDS        Integrated Child Development
                            and Activities                                  Scheme
               DARE         Department of Agricultural          IEC         Information, Education and
                            Research and Education                          Communication
               DAY-NRLM  Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana             IMIS        Integrated Information
                            – National Rural Livelihoods                    Management System
                            Mission                             JJM         Jal Jeevan Mission
               DDC          Deputy Development                  KBR         Konyala Ball Reddy
                            Commissioner                        KGBV        Kasturba Gandhi Balika
               DDWS         Department of Drinking Water                    Vidyalaya
                            and Sanitation

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