Page 14 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 14

KLD         Kilo Litres Per Day                 PROM        Phosphate Rich Organic Manure
              kVA         Kilo Volt Amperes                   PSCST       Punjab State Council for Science
              KVK         Krishi Vigyan Kendra                            and Technology
              LG          Lieutenant General                  PWM         Plastic Waste Management
              LSG         Local Self Government               PWMU        Plastic Waste Management Unit

              LWM         Liquid Waste Management             RDW&SD      Rural Drinking Water and
                                                                          Sanitation Department
              MDA         Market Development Assistance
              MGNREGA  Mahatma Gandhi National Rural          REAP        Renewable Energy Agency
                          Employment Guarantee Act
              MHH         Menstrual Health and Hygiene        RRC         Resource Recovery Centre
                                                                          Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure
              MHM         Menstrual Hygiene Management                    Development Project
              MLD         Million Litres Per Day              RWPF        Rural WASH Partners’ Forum
              MMCC        Mini Micro Composting Centre        SAP         Super Absorbent Polymer
              MNRE        Ministry of New and Renewable       SBM         Swachh Bharat Mission
              MoU         Memorandum of Understanding         SBM-G       Swachh Bharat Mission – Grameen
              MPDO        Mandal Parishad Development         SDG         Sustainable Development Goal
                          Officer                             SHG         Self-Help Group
              MPTC        Mandal Parishad Territorial         SLRM        Solid and Liquid Resource
                          Constituency                                    Management
              MRF         Material Recovery Facility          SLWM        Solid and Liquid Waste
              MT          Master Trainer                      SSG         Management
                                                                          Swachh Survekshan Grameen
              NDDB        National Dairy Development
                          Board                               STP         Sewage Treatment Plant
              NNBOMP      New National Biogas and             SUP         Single-Use Plastics
                          Organic Manure Programme            ToT         Training of Trainers
              NSS         National Service Scheme             TPD         Tonne Per Day
              O&M         Operation and Maintenance           TREDA       Tripura Renewable Energy
              ODF         Open Defecation Free                            Development Agency
              OSSS        One-Stop Shop and Services          UASB        Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
              OWSSB       Odisha Water Supply and             ULB         Urban Local Body
                          Sewerage Board                      UMC         Urban Management Centre
              PAU         Punjab Agriculture University       UT          Union Territory
              PDB         Planted Drying Bed                  VAP         Village Action Plan
              PEF         Pratham Education Foundation        VWSC        Village Water and Sanitation

              PHED        Public Health Engineering                       Committee
                          Department                          WASH        Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
              PIA         Project Implementing Agency         WHO         World Health Organization

              PLF         Panchayat Level Federation          WPU         Waste Processing Unit
              PPE         Personal Protective Equipment       WSP         Waste Stabilization Pond
              PR&RD       Panchayat Raj and Rural             YE          Youth Entrepreneur
                          Development                         YWE         Young WASH Entrepreneur

              PRD         Panchayati Raj Department           ZP          Zilla Panchayat
              PRI         Panchayati Raj Institution

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