Page 155 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 155

(SAPs). As per SBM-G, the preferred waste       Bus Stand. The GP utilized funds of Rs.
               management solutions applicable to rural        1.8 lakhs from SBM-G and supplemented
               India are small-scale incinerators, deep        it with its own funds of Rs. 2.20 lakhs to
               burial, and composting.                         build a CSC, complete with a garden and
                                                               water fountain.
               DDWS of Karnataka supplied incinerators to
               all 101 GPs in Bangalore Rural District. Used
                                                               The GP also installed an electric sanitary
               sanitary pads are carefully wrapped in paper
                                                               pad vending machine from SEIKO, costing
               and disposed of during waste collection
                                                               Rs. 9,000. The machine, located in the
                                                               women’s toilet, holds 50 new pads at a time
               Notably, Majrahosalli GP in Doddaballapur       and can be accessed by inserting a 5-rupee
               taluk, which is surrounded by approximately     coin. Around 30 napkins are purchased
               70 garment factories employing over 80          from the machine every day. The facility also
               per cent female workforce, constructed a        includes an incinerator for the safe disposal
               community toilet near the Factory Circle        of used pads.


                              The community toilet facility has been

                              highly appreciated by the female workforce
                              in the surrounding garment factories. It

                              not only provides access to sanitary pads
                              and facilitates the proper disposal of

                              used pads, but also ensures cleanliness,
                              hygiene, and environmental friendliness.

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