Page 169 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 169

SBM-G team and UNICEF selected all              household toilet, NADEP composting, vermi
               schemes that were intrinsic to the notion       composting, Resource Recovery Centre
               of an ideal GP and thereafter planned and       (RRC), soak pits near handpumps,  filter
               developed working models of each of them,       chamber for LWM, and piped-water scheme.
               complete with illustrations of standard
                                                               The models that constitute an ideal GP
               design specifications that adhered to
                                                               were inaugurated by Shri Rakesh Kumar,
               specific operational principles.
                                                               State Minister for the Departments of Urban
               The models thus developed and exhibited         Development and Urban Employment and
               at   the    Mahotsav    included    twin-pit    Poverty Eradication.


                                 People from across the District visited

                                 the exhibition site. The live models that
                                 were constructed and set up at the site

                                 caught the attention of the visitors who
                                 could learn better about the various

                                 Government schemes, including SBM-G.

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