Page 171 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 171

into twin pit toilets, awareness drives were    sent to Hinjilicut MRF for further processing
               conducted until all those toilets were          under the convergence programme.
               retrofitted, as they were the preferred toilets
                                                               LWM: With the supply of drinking water
               in rural areas.
                                                               to every household, the consumption of
               Rural mini micro composting unit and            water at the household level has increased,
               MMF: Under the tagline ‘Mo Swabhimaan           resulting in higher generation of greywater
               Swachh Ganjam’, the District administration     at the household level. Similarly, community-
               of Ganjam set up a Rural Mini Micro             level water points such as tube wells and
               Composting Centre (MMCC) and an MRF in          wells generate a considerable amount
               Sasan Ambagam GP to manage solid waste          of greywater. To address this, the GP has
               generated in rural areas.                       constructed individual household soak pits
                                                               and community soak pits to manage the
               The business model of this initiative is a
                                                               greywater generated.
               self-sustainable sanitation model. SHGs are
               given control of the facility, who are able to   IEC and capacity building: The focus of
               generate revenue through the sale of Mo         SBM-G has been on the construction of
               Gaon Khata (compost) and recyclable dry         toilets as well as behaviour change. Sasan
               waste. Till date, the sale of recyclables to    Ambagam GP has conducted various
               local kabadiwallahs generated a revenue         IEC programmes and capacity building
               of Rs. 16,000, and around 300 kgs of low-       activities on these SBM-G components to
               density plastic bags (non-recyclables) were     bring about the desired behaviour change.


                           All systems are in place for SLWM. To improve the

                           aesthetics of the GP, regular cleanliness drives
                           are undertaken with community participation.
                           Ganjam is also known as the land of ponds, and

                           Sasan Ambagam GP has several water bodies.

                           Considerable attention is given to the cleaning of
                           these water bodies during the cleanliness drives, as
                           a result of which they are clean and well-maintained.

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