Page 186 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 186


                               COMMENDABLE STEPS

                               TOWARD COASTAL


                    egardless of whether they are calm        July to 17  September 2022 to promote
                    or turbulent, oceans have always          the importance of a clean coast. The
             Rdrawn people wanting to enjoy the               underlying objective of the campaign was
              sea air and experience a sense of peace.        to bring about behavioural change among
              Beaches help people connect with nature         the citizens of the nation and help them
              and are often the most popular destinations     understand the importance of responsible
              during school vacations and other holidays.     consumption and disposal, segregation of
              However, such places that witness a large       waste at home, and curbing the use of SUPs.
              number of tourists also generate large
                                                              Gujarat    undertook     various    coastal
              volumes of garbage that are left behind.        cleanliness activities as mentioned below.

              In 2022, DDWS extended support to the           Tithal GP, Valsad District: Gujarat Tourism
              Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar (Clean            Board collaborated with the GP and engaged
              Coast, Safe Sea) campaign launched by           an agency to maintain cleanliness in the
              the Ministry of Earth Sciences from 5     th    beach. They employed 12 SHG members

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