Page 189 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 189

the beauty of the natural surroundings.         Educational material was available in multiple
               This included the issuance of guidelines for    languages across the region, explaining
               making a sustainable and zero landfill event.   the proper use of assets on the ground,
               Hoardings, banners, insignia and sign boards    importance of cleanliness during the
               with messages on safe sanitation practices      pilgrimage, environmental impact of littering,
               were installed en route to Pahalgam             and practical tips for waste management.
               and Baltal axis and on the Sonmarg and
                                                               A Yatra anthem was sung by renowned
               Pahalgam route in the Himalayan region.
                                                               Bollywood singer Shaan Mukherji. Other
               They displayed messages to encourage
                                                               IEC materials included movable inflatable
               waste     management,      recycling,   and
                                                               mascots, touch screen kiosks, audio
               reducing the use of plastic and other non-
                                                               jingles. Reusable cloth bags were distributed
               biodegradable materials.
                                                               for free.


                         The first five days of the campaign saw a footfall of 50,000

                         pilgrims at the Amarnath Cave, during which not even
                         a single case of litter or open defecation was reported.
                         Such was the impact of the sanitation campaign. The

                         message propagated was simple: ‘Let us work together

                         to uphold the sanctity of these sacred places and leave a
                         positive impact for generations to come’.

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