Page 57 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 57

The campaign was held across the State          The campaign involved a range of activities,
               from 1  May to 15  June 2023, with the aim      including mass cleaning of public institutions
               to strengthen the State’s progress toward       and spaces, awareness programmes on
               ensuring     environmentally     sustainable    water, sanitation, and waste management in
               and clean villages. It emphasized on the        schools and colleges; promotion of Water,
                                                               Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) practices
               effective management of legacy waste,
                                                               and waste management at households and
               the achievement of the State’s retrofitting
                                                               institutions by SHG members; promotion of
               target, and the provision of health and
                                                               the ban on SUPs and the use of alternatives;
               welfare measures for sanitation workers.
                                                               and plantation activities to enhance the
                                                               cleanliness and greenery of villages.


                                 A total of 2,27,184 individuals actively
                                 participated in activities from all the
                                 panchayats across the State. They

                                 were engaged in rallies and awareness

                                 activities at colleges, shops and other
                                 commercial establishments.

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