Page 54 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 54


                               CAMPAIGN MAKES SADIWARA


              First gold coin given under ‘Give Polythene Take Gold’ initiative at Sadiwara GP, Hiller Shahabad Block, Anantnag

                   lastic pollution is one of the greatest    to launch the ‘Give Polythene Get Gold’
                   environmental challenges of the 21    st   campaign in January 2023. With community
             Pcentury. Overconsumption of plastic             participation, the campaign aimed to help
              and mismanagement of plastic waste are          the village phase out of plastic usage.
              a growing menace, leading to the overflow
              of landfills, choking of rivers, and threat to   Geographically, Sadiwara is sandwiched
              local aquatic ecosystems. Plastic waste also    between Municipal Committee Dooru and
              negatively impacts sectors that are critical    Verinag, with the latter being known for the
              to the rural economy, including tourism         historic Vitasta river. The ODF Plus Aspiring
              and fisheries.                                  GP lies adjacent to the Jawahar Tunnel
                                                              that has been constructed on the national
              To urgently address this, Mr. Farooq
                                                              highway. With its visually clean and green
              Ahmad Ganaie, Sarpanch of Sadiwara-A
              GP in Hiller Shahabad Block of Anantnag         surroundings, the GP is striving towards
              District of Jammu and Kashmir decided           achieving ODF Plus Model status.

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