Page 49 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 49

Bhaini Mehraj village exhibited great           Sabha to declare the village as plastic-
               enthusiasm to kickstart the campaign            free, followed by announcements made
               within their community. A Gram Sabha was        through the village gurudwaras to motivate
               conducted, during which the hazardous           community participation in the campaign.
               effects of single-use and other plastic
                                                               The    Sarpanch,    Smt.    Sarbjeet   Kaur,
               products on health and the environment
                                                               expressed the village’s eagerness to be
               were extensively discussed, and the
                                                               the  first to launch this unique plastic-
               community was briefed about the initiative.
                                                               jaggery exchange campaign, as it promotes
               Villagers were encouraged to store plastic
                                                               sustainable practices. The village leader
               products separately in their homes and
                                                               also aimed to encourage the use of reusable
               bring them to a designated collection point     bags, bottles, and other eco-friendly
               decided by the GP. The collected plastic was    alternatives to SUPs. This approach not only
               weighed, and an equal amount of jaggery         encouraged plastic waste collection but
               was given in exchange. Furthermore, a           also promoted the consumption of jaggery
               resolution was passed during the Gram           as a healthier alternative to sugar.


                                 The campaign is expected to yield several

                                 positive outcomes, including a reduction
                                 in plastic waste, increased community

                                 engagement            and       empowerment,
                                 sustainable behaviour change, and

                                 environmental preservation.

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