Page 48 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 48


                               ‘BRING PLASTIC AND TAKE

                               JAGGERY’ CAMPAIGN

                n a commendable effort to raise               embracing a healthier and eco-friendly
                awareness about the detrimental effects       lifestyle while addressing the issue of
             Iof plastics, especially SUPs, and to combat     plastic pollution.
              plastic pollution in rural communities,
              Bhaini Mehraj village in Barnala District,      The initiative was the brainchild of Panchayat
              Punjab initiated a campaign called Bring        Secretary, Shri Paramjeet Singh, who was
              Plastic and Take Jaggery.                       assigned to oversee the campaign District-
                                                              wide. It successfully instilled among the
              Launched on 1  July 2023, the campaign
                                                              village communities the habit of collecting
              aimed to transform the village into a plastic-
                                                              and storing plastics. Instead of discarding
              free community. The tagline, ‘Join the
                                                              plastics in open spaces, which often leads
              campaign and let the sweetness of jaggery
                                                              to clogged drains and water pollution, the
              replace the detrimental impact of plastic
              in our lives’, highlighted the objective of     villages now store them for later disposal.

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