Page 47 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 47

Significant emphasis was placed on the 4R       collected, amounting to a total weight of
               principle of PWM – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse,       300 kg.
               and Recycle plastics as much as possible.
                                                               To promote the secondary use of SUPs
               Following the awareness programmes,             while reducing the consumption of bricks,
               people from the villages of Duttapulia,         the women and volunteers constructed a
               Barbaria and Kushaberia in Ranaghat-II Block    boundary wall using the collected plastics.
               were encouraged to actively participate in
                                                               Plastic bottles were  filled with plastic
               the plastic collection drive, with a particular
                                                               material and sand to increase their
               focus on SUPs.
                                                               sturdiness, and a cement binder was used
               Over a span of four days, with the              to form the wall, effectively utilizing the
               involvement of 30 dedicated volunteers,         plastic waste.
               more than 10,800 pieces of plastic were


                          During the collection drive, Team A collected 2,500
                          food packets, 1,900 personal care product packets,

                          and 300 household product packets, while Team
                          B collected 3,400 food packets, 2,300 personal

                          care product packets, and 400 household product
                          packets. Branded products accounted for 58.13

                          per cent of the food packets, 68 per cent of the
                          personal care product packets, and 75.66 per cent

                          of the household product packets among the total
                          plastic waste collected.

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