Page 46 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 46


                               GREEN WALL WITH

                               PLASTIC WASTE

             I  n an effort to address PWM, the Sreema        At the outset, the women’s committee and

                                                              BPCL organized awareness generation
                Committee) from Sreerampur village in
                                                              environmental harm caused by plastics.
              Nadia District, West Bengal, undertook a        programmes to educate people about the
              remarkable initiative – the construction of a   Participants were informed that SUPs are
              green boundary wall made from discarded         not only difficult and expensive to recycle
              SUPs and other plastic waste. The  five-        but also end up in landfills where they take
              foot-high and 80-metre-long wall was            years to decompose. Moreover, research
              constructed with the  financial support         has shown that plastics can break down into
              of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited         tiny toxic particles that contaminate the soil
              (BPCL).                                         and water bodies, and even enter the food
                                                              chain when animals and fish consume them.

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