Page 63 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 63

other festivities where feasts are prepared,    GPs, stating that plastic utensils should
               the Bartan Banks provide clean utensils         not be used during village events. Instead,
               for a small fee. As a result, the amount of     villagers can borrow steel utensils from the
               waste generated after these events was          Bartan Bank for a small fee, which will help
               significantly reduced since disposables         in keeping the villages clean and reducing
               were not used. This model has already
                                                               the consumption of SUPs.
               generated an income of approximately
               Rs. 19,260.                                     Slogans and wall writings promoting the
                                                               Bartan Banks can be seen in public spaces
               The five GPs in the District purchased steel
                                                               and intersections within the villages,
               bartans for approximately Rs. 1,09,000,
                                                               providing contact information for those in
               and assigned cleaning groups to maintain
                                                               need of steel utensils for their functions.
               them. Resolutions were passed by the


                             Currently, families in the GPs borrow utensils
                             from the Bartan Banks based on their

                             requirements and return them in a clean
                             condition, paying the prescribed fee. Proper

                             records are maintained, including a count of
                             the lent utensils and deposit slips to ensure


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