Page 68 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 68


                               OPPORTUNITIES FOR

                               TRANSGENDERS IN ODISHA

                n a unique collaboration, the Government      based       Decentralized       Wastewater
                of Odisha engaged a transgender SHG           Treatment System (DEWATS) technology,
             Ifor O&M of the FSTP in Basuaghai village        commissioned in 2018 under Atal Mission
              of Bhubaneswar District in Odisha. The          for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
              12-member transgender SWIKRUTI SHG has          (AMRUT) by Odisha Water Supply and
              been operating the plant since 1  July 2022.    Sewerage Board (OWSSB).
              It also hired a technical resource person
                                                              Meghna Sahoo, President of SWIKRUTI
              to run the testing laboratory, keep the trip
                                                              SHG, informed that the SWIKRUTI SHG was
              register, and give technical support to the
                                                              founded in 2018 with 17 members. Prior to
              SHG for O&M.
                                                              being involved with the FSTP, a majority
                                                              of the members had no stable means of
              The Basuaghai FSTP is a stand-alone
              low-tech and low-cost model of nature-          income. They mostly had to beg for food and

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