Page 72 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 72


                               SERVE NEIGHBOURING GPs

                n a unique convergence of Urban Local         The State had been frantically searching for
                Bodies (ULBs) and GPs, the FSTPs in urban     an FSM solution that was sustainable and
             Iareas of Rajasthan that are not functioning     would protect the environment and human
              to their full capacity will henceforth serve
                                                              health, and also boost the economy.
              the GPs that do not have an FSM plant within
              a 15 km radius. The move that will provide      DDWS Advisory: FSM is a major component
              co-treatment of faecal sludge from single       under SBM-G Phase-II. On 14  September
              pit and septic tank toilets will undoubtedly    2021, DDWS, Ministry of Jal Shakti,
              help these villages to transform into ODF       Government of India, issued a joint advisory
              Plus villages.
                                                              that stated, “If any urban FSM facility (STP/
              Background: Although all households             FSTP) is not working to its full capacity and
              in rural Rajasthan were provided toilets        there is no FSM facility in the rural areas
              and access to sanitation facilities, there      falling within 15 km radius of that existing
              were no adequate arrangements for the           urban FSM facility, then in those rural areas
              management of faecal sludge generated
                                                              rather than constructing a new FSM facility,
              in single pit and septic tank toilets. In the
                                                              the existing urban facility may be used for
              absence of such arrangements, truck
                                                              co-treatment of faecal sludge through the
              operators would dump faecal matter into
                                                              convergence of ULB and GP.”
              drains, water bodies or open areas, causing
              a high level of environmental pollution and
              posing serious health risks.

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