Page 77 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 77

Over the past three years, the development      “We believe this is a significant achievement
               partner has been involved in meeting            for the community and a testament to the
               operation costs, creating a database            joint efforts of all stakeholders,” Mr. Manas
               on truck loads, and conducting regular          Kumar Biswal said, adding that the District
               repairs. It has also supported the GP in        and State SBM-G teams were part and
               the process of composting and selling the       parcel of all activities including planning
               manure. Meanwhile, the ICICI Foundation         and vendor selection for the construction.
               [Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)          The SBM-G team has also been monitoring
               partner] provided the GP with a vehicle for     the programme and anchoring awareness
               desludging.                                     drives in the GP for ODF Plus activities from
                                                               time to time.
               The GP will now be able to earn revenue
               through provision of desludging services in     On its part, the State SBM-G has provided
               Patora and other nearby villages.               the GP with a suction vehicle through
                                                               CSR funds and supported IEC activities to
               Speaking of the reason for handover, State
                                                               generate awareness about the FSTP. It has
               Coordinator, WaterAid, said, “The FSTP is
                                                               also recommended that other Districts in
               now fully functional and the GP is able to
                                                               the State visit the facility in Patora to learn
               manage the O&M efficiently. At the request
                                                               about the process for replication of the
               of the GP, we have also completed the
                                                               initiative in their respective areas.
               construction of a shed in the plant.”


                                        Patora leads the State in setting
                                        up a rural FSTP that is effectively

                                        managing faecal matter generated

                                        in households.

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