Page 74 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 74


                               SERVICES 11 GPs

                     n FSTP of 3 KLD capacity was             An MoU was signed on 13  October 2022
                     constructed across an area of 1.92       between the main stakeholders of Benipur
              Aacres in Benipur GP of Amethi                  FSTP – District PRD and 11 GPs. From the date
              District in Uttar Pradesh under the SBM-G       of signing of the MoU, the responsibility of
              campaign. The plant, which services a           O&M has been taken over by the respective
              cluster of 11 GPs and one Nagar Panchayat       panchayats.
              and caters to a population of 6,30,503
                                                              The need: FSM has been rapidly evolving
              individuals, has been operational since
                                                              and gaining importance as a non-sewered
                                                              sanitation alternative. It is one of the
              The 11 GPs in the cluster are Jangal            economical and sustainable solutions to
              Ramnagar, Jangal Tikri, Tikariya, Saraikhema,   the sanitation problems in rural and sub-
              Mehmudpur, Parsawa, Kharauna, Thaura,           urban areas. One of its key elements is
              Sarwanpur, Raibha and Benipur. Until now,       the establishment of FSTPs, most of which
              7,52,500 litres of faecal sludge have been      take into account the ease of construction,
              brought to the facility for treatment by        capital cost, and reuse of infrastructure.
              desludging tankers 156 times.

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