Page 75 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 75

FSTPs are important for rural and sub-urban     can sustain the ODF status of villages and
               areas that do not have sewerage systems         keep the environment clean and healthy.
               and where toilets are of single pit or septic
                                                               Implementation of FSTP: WaterAid India
               tank type. When single pits or septic tanks
                                                               is a development partner that has been
               get full, households need to hire desludging
                                                               providing support to DDWS, Ministry
               operators for mechanized desludging,            of Jal Shakti through pilot projects in
               transportation and treatment of faecal          Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya
               sludge at FSTPs.                                Pradesh. Through a collaboration with the
                                                               District administration of Amethi, an FSTP
               In the absence of such facilities earlier,
                                                               was constructed in Amethi in February
               tankers would collect the sludge but dump
                                                               2020. For this, 1.92 acres of land were made
               it into open drains, canals, ponds and other
                                                               available in Benipur GP, around which a
               open spaces. This greatly affected the          cluster of 11 GPs and one Nagar Panchayat
               environment, polluting both land and water      was formed. The intervention is in keeping
               sources and posing threats to human health.     with the SBM-G Phase-II guidelines and the
               As per the SBM-G guidelines, effective FSM      ODF Plus initiatives being promoted.


                                Following a survey of households in the

                                intervention area and awareness building,
                                the construction of the FSTP was completed

                                in September 2021 and the Planted Drying
                                Bed (PDB) model of FSTP was operational

                                from October 2021.

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