Page 76 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 76


                               HANDED OVER TO

                               GP FOR O&M

                    he FSTP in Patora GP of Durg District     Sarpanch of Patora, Smt. Anjita Gopesh
                    in Chhattisgarh was officially handed     Sahu, and Shri Manas Kumar Biswal, State
              Tover to the GP on 29  March 2023 in the        Programme Director, WaterAid.
              presence of local political representatives,
                                                              While the GP will take care of O&M
              officials from SBM-G and ZP, PRI members,
                                                              expenses of the FSTP, the District SBM-G
              Frontline Workers (FLWs), and community
                                                              team has pledged all possible support for
              members. The GP will henceforth take care
                                                              the smooth operation of the plant, as per
              of O&M of the FSTP.
                                                              the MoU. The District team from WaterAid
              The handover document for the FSTP that         will continue to provide support through
              was set up in 2020 was signed by the            lab testing and other technical know-hows.

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