Page 73 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 73

Steps    taken    for   co-treatment:     In    »  Issuance of a joint advisory letter dated
               compliance with the directive from DDWS,           21.12.2022 by Secretary, PRD, and Secretary,
               the following steps were taken by the State        LSG, for co-treatment of faecal sludge
               Government of Rajasthan for co-treatment
               of faecal sludge at the existing urban FSM      »  Issuance of directions to formulate a
               facilities:                                        District-level Technical and Execution
                                                                  Committee under the chairmanship of the
               » Identification of existing urban FSM
                  facilities, i.e., 20 Kilo Litres Per Day (KLD)   concerned District Collectors to  finalize
                  FSTP plant at Lalsot (Dausa), 20 KLD FSTP       transportation/ user charges on the basis
                  plant at Phulera (Jaipur) and 10 KLD FSTP       of the distance between the urban FSM
                  plant at Khandela (Sikar)                       facility and the on-site rural facility

               »  Analysis of available spare capacity in      »  Finalization   of     transportation/user
                  the identified urban FSM facilities for         charges for desludging services as per
                  convergence                                     the recommendations of the District

               »  Mapping of villages falling within a 15 km      Technical and Execution Committee
                  radius of the existing urban FSM facility
                                                               »  Issuance   of   MoU     between     Block
               »  Formulation of FSM Technical Committee          Development      Officer    (BDO)     (for
                  under   the   chairmanship     of   Chief       its  concerned    GP)    and   Executive
                  Engineer, Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure        Officers of (concerned ULB) as per
                  Development     Project   (RUIDP),   and        the recommendations of the District
                  approval of the same by Secretary, PRD,
                                                                  Technical and Execution Committee
                  and Secretary, Local Self Government
                  (LSG)                                        With the issuance of the joint advisory by

               »  Preparation    of    Memorandum        of    the Secretary, PRD, and Secretary, LSG, a
                  Understanding (MoU) for co-treatment of      total of 312 villages (198 villages through
                  faecal sludge from villages falling within   Lalsot FSTP, 69 villages through Khandela
                  15 km radius of the existing urban FSM       FSTP, and 45 villages through Phulera
                  facility through convergence between         FSTPs) now have access to a Faecal Sludge
                  ULB and GP                                   Co–treatment facility.


                      Rajasthan has become the second State to have an MoU between
                      ULBs and GPs regarding the use of an urban FSM facility for co-

                      treatment of faecal sludge of villages falling within a 15 km radius
                      of the existing urban FSM facility. Similarly, the new proposed STP/

                      FSTPs will be constructed with such extended capacity so that
                      they can be utilized for any further possible convergence for co-

                      treatment of faecal sludge generated in rural areas.

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