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Minutes of Meetings Documents Archives
S.No. Title Date Attachment Category
11 Minutes of meeting held on 14th May, 2018 under the Chairpersonship of Joint Secretary(DWS) (18.06.2018) Tuesday, June 19, 2018 Download (718.4 KB) pdf Jal Jeevan Mission
12 Minutes of the JE AES video conference held on 04th June, 2018 to carry a survey to find extent of contamination of drinking water sources in 60 affected Districts (18.06.2018) Monday, June 18, 2018 Download (551.08 KB) pdf Jal Jeevan Mission
13 Workshop on ODF Sustainability, Pune on 16th & 17th May 2018(Minutes)(06.06.2018) Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Download (275.97 KB) pdf Swachh Bharat Mission
14 Minutes of the Pre-bid meeting held on 11.05.2018 Friday, May 18, 2018 Download (528.76 KB) pdf Swachh Bharat Mission
15 Minutes of video conference held on 18th april 2018 Between national remote sensing centre and mdws to discuss the physical and financial progress of hydro-geo morphological maps with ground water quality layer under phase iv(07.05.2018) Monday, May 7, 2018 Download (1.21 MB) pdf General
16 Minutes of the JE-AES Video Conference held on 27th April, 2018 to carry a survey to find extent of contamination of drinking water sources in 60 affected Districts(07.05.2018) Monday, May 7, 2018 Download (1.14 MB) pdf General
17 Minutes of the JE or AES meeting held on 29th January, 2018 to carry a survey to find extent of contamination of drinking water sources in 60 affected Districts(07.03.2018) Wednesday, March 14, 2018 Download (866.83 KB) pdf Jal Jeevan Mission
18 Minutes of 8th Apex Committee Meeting held on 26th February, 2018 under the Chairmanship of Secretary(DWS)(06.03.2018) Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Download (482.47 KB) pdf Jal Jeevan Mission
19 Minutes of 9th Meeting of Dr. R.A. Mashelkar Committee held on 23rd January, 2018(16.02.2018) Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Download (960.95 KB) pdf Jal Jeevan Mission
20 Minutes of 7th Apex Committee meeting held on 5th February, 2018 under the Chairmanship of Secretary(DWS)(07.02.2018) Thursday, February 8, 2018 Download (309.65 KB) pdf Jal Jeevan Mission
