Page 117 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 117

beds. The GPS-equipped septic tankers are       During the facility tour, the WaterAid
               monitored through IT-enabled systems. The       and the District SBM-G teams provided
               Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)          comprehensive guidance, with technical
               technology-based STP features additional        experts     explaining     the    treatment
               facilities such as Geographical Information     processes     involved,    including    pre-
               System (GIS) monitoring, solar power            treatment, anaerobic digestion, sludge
               energy cost reduction, strict HR monitoring     drying, and the conversion of faecal sludge
               through mobile-based application and            into useful biosolids.
               geofencing, and a live dashboard at the
               State Headquarters.                             The visit highlighted the importance of
                                                               community involvement and awareness. In
               During the visit, the Principal Secretary
                                                               Benipur, the team actively engaged with the
               engaged in discussions and meetings with
                                                               local community, educating them about the
               representatives from UP Jal Nigam (Rural and
                                                               benefits of proper FSM and encouraging
               Urban) and the Namami Gange programme
                                                               their participation in timely emptying of
               for river rejuvenation. This exchange of
                                                               septic tanks.
               ideas and views provided valuable inputs
               and feedback on various aspects, resulting      The Benipur FSTP comprises units such
               in a fruitful cross-learning experience that    as a Screen Chamber with an Anaerobic
               benefited both States.                          Stabilization Reactor, PDBs, an Integrated
                                                               Anaerobic Stabilization Reactor, Planted
               Benipur FSTP: The Punjab delegation also
                                                               Gravel Filter, a collection tank, and a sludge
               visited the FSTP in Benipur GP, Amethi, which
                                                               storage unit. The exposure visit provided
               has a capacity of 3 KLD. The visit aimed
                                                               valuable insights into planning, designing,
               to familiarize the team with the technical
               operations, processes, and associated           and    implementing     a   faecal   sludge
               benefits of such treatment facilities.          treatment facility.


                                 The Punjab team was grateful to the UP

                                 Jal Nigam, PRD for their hospitality and
                                 valuable inputs during the visit. They are

                                 now making plans to establish their own

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