Page 112 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 112


                               ENSURE TIMELY REPAIR

                               AND MAINTENANCE OF

                               WASH FACILITIES

                n order to ensure the sustainability of       Youth Development and Activities (CYDA),
                ODF Plus assets, the ‘One-Stop Shop and       and UNICEF Maharashtra collaborated to
             IServices (OSSS) WASH Mitra’ initiative in       launch the OSSS WASH Mitra initiative. This
              Maharashtra provides comprehensive skill        initiative aimed to address the demand
              training to young individuals in the field of   for O&M services in government schools
              WASH facility repair and maintenance.           through Young WASH Entrepreneurs (YWEs)
                                                              who serve as service providers in schools,
              Sanitation and hygiene in schools are crucial
                                                              institutions and GPs across 14 Districts
              for enhancing student learning, reducing
                                                              of Maharashtra.
              dropout rates (especially among girls),
              improving children’s health, and preventing     OSSS WASH Mitra played a vital role in
              diseases. However, educational institutions     ensuring the functionality of WASH facilities
              lacking adequate WASH facilities along with     in schools, enabling students to stay in
              faulty electrical  fittings, broken furniture,   school, build lifelong hygiene habits, and
              blocked drains, and leaking pipes, as well      maintain good health. By doing so, the OSSS
              as poor O&M practices, cannot effectively       initiative also supported SBM-G and JJM by
              achieve their goals.                            building a workforce of young individuals
                                                              who could enhance WASH services and
              To address the challenges related to WASH
                                                              contribute to ongoing efforts aimed at
              infrastructure upkeep in schools, Pratham
                                                              improving hygiene and facility maintenance.
              Education Foundation (PEF), Centre for

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