Page 111 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 111

Throughout the four-day programme,              »  Assessing village sanitation needs and
               participants actively engaged in interactive       formulating comprehensive plans
               sessions, practical demonstrations, and
                                                               »  Addressing challenges and ensuring
               case studies focusing on the following
                                                                  community participation
               key areas:

               »  Understanding     the    concept     and     »  Gaining hands-on experience in the
                                                                  village-level planning processes and
                  significance of GWM
                                                                  developing skills in  field-level data
               »  Exploring sustainable techniques for            collection using relevant tools
                  greywater treatment, as well as faecal
                  sludge treatment and reuse


                          During the capacity building training sessions,
                          participants were introduced to the concept of ODF

                          Plus and the strategies employed in SBM-G Phase-II.
                          The workshop emphasized the importance of GWM in

                          rural areas of Punjab, discussed various technologies
                          for GWM, and provided detailed insights into the

                          phase-wise implementation of LWM and preparation
                          of VAPs. The training also included practical

                          sessions and field visits. Furthermore, the roles and
                          responsibilities of MTs were emphasized, along with

                          the importance of monitoring progress.

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