Page 110 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 110


                               EFFORTS TO TRAIN

                               SLRPs IN GWM

                     WM plays a vital role in achieving       Administration in Chandigarh from 30  May
                     public health outcomes in rural          to 2  June 2023, with the support of the
             Gareas. Properly managed greywater               WASH Institute.
              can contribute to a reduction in vector-
                                                              The primary objective of the workshop was
              borne diseases and minimize exposure to
                                                              to train a select group of trainers (SLRPs)
              water-borne and water-washed diseases.
                                                              who would subsequently disseminate this
              Additionally, effective GWM can alleviate
                                                              knowledge in a cascading manner, from the
              the burden on freshwater demands
                                                              District level to the GP level. The workshop
                                                              aimed to equip participants with the
              To train State Level Resource Persons (SLRP)    necessary knowledge and skills to address
              on GWM, a 4-day ToT was conducted at the        critical issues related to GWM and to
              Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public        develop effective Village Sanitation Plans.

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