Page 119 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 119

»  Provide technical and safety knowledge       toolkit is designed to be suggestive and can
                  to sanitation workers                        be adapted and contextualized according
                                                               to the requirements of each State.
               »  Build awareness among sanitation workers
                  about their rights and entitlements          Preparation: A field-testing of the module,
                                                               along with IEC materials prepared as part of
               »  Sensitize employers to the employment of
                                                               the partnership, was conducted in two pilot
                  sanitation workers, including contractual
                                                               States, Bihar and Gujarat, in February and
                  modalities, and professionalization of the
                                                               March 2023. The feedback received from
                  sanitation sector
                                                               these pilots was incorporated into the final
               »  Conduct a communication campaign             toolkit, which was then disseminated to the
                  highlighting the role and importance of      participants. This toolkit includes a module
                  sanitation workers in the community          on the safety and dignity of sanitation
                                                               workers, a Handbook for sanitation workers,
               As part of a joint initiative between UNICEF
               India and UMC, a detailed toolkit titled        and IEC materials comprising four posters,
               ‘Strengthening the work environment of          five GIFs, and one short film.
               rural sanitation workers focusing on their
                                                               The campaign aims to create 2,000 MTs
               safety and dignity’ was developed. This
                                                               who will further train 16,000 sanitation
               toolkit was disseminated through a training
                                                               workers in 16 States during 2023. The
               programme held in Ahmedabad from 4         th
                                                               States include Assam, West Bengal, Odisha,
               to 7  April 2023, which involved 51 State-
                                                               Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya
               level resource persons from 16 States. To
                                                               Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
               facilitate cross-learning and gain insights
               into  field reality, participants also visited   Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
               three villages in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The       Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.


                             The trainings sessions emphasized the use of

                             PPE and the sensitization of sanitation workers
                             regarding their rights and entitlements. Resource

                             persons and MTs will also advocate for and
                             strengthen linkages to ensure the safety and

                             dignity of sanitation workers.

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