Page 123 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 123

Sahiya is the treasurer. It has equal gender    and generating awareness on hygiene and
               representation with 6 of the 12 members         sanitation.
               being women who represent either the GP
                                                               During SBM-G Phase-I, she motivated people
               or Ward.
                                                               to stop open defecation and construct toilets.
                                    One such Jal Sahiya is     At her behest, 346 toilets were constructed.
                                    Smt. Menka Das from        In addition to creating five groups of Roko
                                    Shreedhar Diara village    Toko Dal to prevent open defecation, she
                                    in Sridhar Diyara GP       organized several rallies, meetings and
                                    (Udhwa     Block)    of    training programmes. Her efforts led to
                                    Sahibganj      District.   100 per cent Individual Household Latrine
                                    Shreedhar Diara is one     (IHHL) coverage in her village.
                                    of the main Namami
                                                               Menka’s training on SLWM at both District
                                    Gange villages that        and State levels facilitated the creation of
               faced many challenges pertaining to             a women’s group to raise awareness on
               sanitation. Menka was selected as a Jal         the importance of waste management.
               Sahiya on 10  March 2016 and has since          As an expert in water quality testing, she
               then earned the respect of her community        has checked many water resources of the
               through her devotion and hard work. Keen        villages and made people aware of water
               to bring positive change to the sanitation      quality. This earned her the fond nickname
               sector and having taken the sanitation oath,    of ‘water doctor’. For her contribution,
               the proactive village leader starts her day     Menka Das has been awarded at the Block
               early, meeting mainly the household women       and District levels.


                             Under Menka’s leadership, the village has constructed

                             9 community compost pits, 6 institutional compost

                             pits, 109 community leach pits, 2 waste management
                             sheds, 83 soak/leach/magic pits, 214 individual
                             compost pits, 124 individual leach pits, and 118 NADEP

                             compost pits.

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