Page 126 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 126


                               GETS A MAJOR BOOST

                    he Government of India is making          Biogas is generated through an effective
                    efforts  to   create    an   enabling     waste management process that promotes
              Tenvironment         for   the   generation     a circular economy while protecting health
              of wealth from waste, one initiative            and the environment. It reduces GHG
              being the GOBARdhan. The initiative is          emissions, provides alternate sources of
              coordinated by DDWS and promotes the            employment, saves foreign exchange,
              conversion of organic waste like cattle         generates organic manure, and improves
              dung and agricultural waste into biogas or      savings. Currently, there are as many as 717
              Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), which are         completed and functional biogas plants
              eco-friendly fuels.                             from 240 Districts across the country, of
                                                              which 642 are under SBM-G.

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