Page 129 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 129

Moupur village: A 25 cum community              Luri village: A 10 cum community biogas
               biogas plant manages around 600–650 kg          plant manages around 250–275 kgs of cow
               of cow dung and other biomass generated         dung generated each day at the village
               each day in the village. The gas produced       level. The gas produced is supplied to five
               is supplied to six households and two           households. A total of 500 litres of liquid
               community centres. A total of 1,200 litres      fertilizer is generated each day.
               of liquid fertilizer is generated on a daily
               basis. Another 4 cum community biogas           The liquid fertilizer is converted into
               plant manages 100–125 kgs of cow dung           vermicompost and used as manure in
               generated on a daily basis. The gas produced    agriculture. Management of cow dung and
               is supplied to three households. A total of     other organic matter has helped Nartap
               200 litres of liquid fertilizer is generated on   GP achieve visual cleanliness – an integral
               a daily basis.                                  component of ODF Plus.


                              The initiative has not only promoted hygiene
                              and cleanliness but also improved the
                              general quality of life in the villages. People

                              have learned the value of waste, which has

                              enabled them to earn an income from it.
                              The biogas produced has offered them a
                              cost-effective and conducive technological

                              option for safe and sustainable disposal and

                              management of biodegradable waste.

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