Page 131 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 131

Two caretakers have been trained by the         months, gas will be supplied to families for
               implementation agency to conduct O&M            free, and thereafter a fee of Rs. 250 would
               activities of the plant.                        be charged per household per month. The
                                                               amount collected would be used to pay the
               The plant now supplies cooking gas to 25
               vulnerable families in the village. It was      wages of the two caretakers and for meeting
               earlier agreed that during the  first three     the maintenance expenses of the plant.


                                The biogas plant in Itarra provides two-fold

                                benefits for the community – converting
                                cattle and organic waste into wealth, and

                                making the village environmentally clean
                                and the village energy secure.

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