Page 139 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 139

odour. The size of the plant can be increased   » Electricity  generation: All street lights
               or decreased based on future requirements          with 5.0 kVA generator
               and can be easily shifted if necessary.
                                                               » Employment  generation: 4–5 persons
               Waste availability in Andarsul GP: A survey
               carried out in the GP revealed that 14,190 kgs
               of organic waste is generated per day from      »  Total project cost: Rs. 50 lakhs, including
               dung of large animals (6,920 kgs), dung of         5 years of monitoring
               small animal (6,745 kgs), kitchen waste of
               households (275 kgs), and wet waste from        » Completion time: 3 months
               hotels and restaurants (250 kgs).
                                                               »  Type of plant: Community type
               Project overview:
                                                               » CMC  production  unit:       1,500   litres
               » Location: Self-owned land near GP office         per day

               »  Total available waste: 14,000 kgs per day
                                                               Monthly revenue: The plant generates
               »  Capacity of biogas plant: 2 metric tons      a total of Rs. 1,53,000 as monthly
                  per day                                      revenue, which includes earning from the
                                                               replacement of LPG (Rs. 27,000), electricity
               » Technology       used:      Pre-fabricated
                                                               generation (Rs. 12,000), sale of dry manure
                  Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
                                                               (Rs. 60,000), and sale of liquid manure
                  bio-methanation plant
                                                               (Rs. 54,000).
               » Area required: 6,000 square feet
                                                               Operational costs: The monthly operational
               » Output biogas: 80 cum per day                 cost of the plant is Rs. 1,09,200, which

               » Output manure: 400 kgs of dry manure          covers the cost of manpower, electricity,
                  and 3,600 litres of liquid manure per day    water, consumables, waste collection,
                                                               maintenance and insurance, cost of raw
               »  Pipelined gas connection: Nearly 20
                                                               materials, and expenses for sales activities.
                  hotels, anganwadi and school


                                   The initiative ensures that the GP sustains

                                   its ODF status, generates energy, income
                                   and employment, keeps the villages

                                   clean, and improves  the lifestyle of

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