Page 144 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 144


                               A BIOGAS PLANT IN GOA’S

                               NAGOA PANCHAYAT

                    o address the issue of untreated          995 households (as per census data of
                    garbage in their locality, migrants       2011). Nagoa Panchayat has about 30,000–
              Tresiding in Nagoa Village Panchayat in         40,000 migrant residents who work at the
              the UT of Goa contributed their registration    Verna Industrial Estate, which houses over
              fees to set up a 1 Tonne Per Day (TPD)          400 industries and firms.
              biogas plant. The project adopts a model
                                                              According to Mr. Gabriel Fernandes,
              that can be replicated in other panchayats,
                                                              Sarpanch of Nagoa, the panchayat was
              Government-run markets and educational
                                                              keen to address the issues pertaining to wet
                                                              garbage by setting up a biogas plant. They
              Situated in Salcete of South Goa District,      conducted a survey to assess the garbage
              Nagoa village is spread across 518 hectares     generated each day and estimated that they
              and has a population of around 3,873 from       would require around Rs. 20 lakhs to procure

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