Page 148 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 148


                               38 CLUSTER MODEL

                               GOBARDHAN PLANTS

                n alignment with the objectives of SBM-G      Cluster model: Gujarat has adopted the
                Phase-II, the western State of Gujarat is     cluster model of implementation of biogas
             Isetting up 38 cluster model GOBARdhan           plants under the GOBARdhan component of
              projects that will benefit 7,600 beneficiaries   SBM-G. This approach involves establishing
              and support villages in achieving ODF Plus      200–250 individual biogas plants at
              status. Launched in 2018 by the Government      the household level, and collecting and
              of India, GOBARdhan aims to promote             processing the slurry formed within a
              cleanliness,  increase    rural  household      cluster. The aim is to achieve efficient
              income, and generate energy and organic         resource utilization, economies of scale,
              manure from cattle and agricultural waste.      and improved waste management.

              A significant proportion of the rural           Implementation: Under this model, a cluster
              population in Gujarat is dependent on           of households will be identified by the
              livestock farming. With 26.9 million livestock   GPs in association with cooperatives, milk
              population in the State (as per the 20    th    unions, FPOs, SHGs, private entrepreneurs,
              Livestock Census, 2019), the abundance of       Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
              cattle leads to the generation of significant   developed under Deendayal Antyodaya
              amount of organic waste, primarily in the       Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission
              form of cow dung.                               (DAY-NRLM), etc. These households should

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