Page 149 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 149

have a minimum of 3–4 cattle. Individual        avail of Rs. 50 lakhs and also utilize funds
               household-level biogas plants of 2 cum          from the 15  FC, CSR and other sources.
               capacity will be installed in each of the
                                                               Implementing agencies:        The    Gujarat
               identified households at a cost of Rs. 30,000
                                                               Government       has     appointed     three
               each. The biogas generated will be used as
                                                               implementing       agencies      for     the
               clean cooking fuel by the households, and
                                                               implementation of cluster-based biogas
               the slurry is converted into nutrient organic
                                                               » National    Dairy   Development     Board
               Flexi-biogas plants under cluster model:
                                                                  (NDDB) with a total of 5,000 beneficiaries
               The flexi-biogas plants being set up in each
                                                                  in 25 Districts
               household consist of a plastic or rubber
               digester bag, in the upper part of which
                                                               » Dairies (Amul, Banas, Sabar, Dudhsagar)
               the gas is stored. The inlet and outlet are
                                                                  with a total of 1,600 in 8 Districts
               attached directly to the skin of the balloon.
               The fermentation slurry is agitated slightly    » Bharat Biogas Energy Limited (BBEL) with
               by the movement of the balloon skin, which         a total of 1000 beneficiaries in 5 Districts
               is favourable to the digestion process. The
                                                               Training activities under cluster-based
               balloon is made of UV-resistant material.
                                                               biogas project: Hands-on training for
               The flexi plant’s design capacity of 2 m3 has
                                                               GOBARdhan projects was organized by Rural
               been approved by MNRE for installation.
                                                               Development Department in coordination
               Funding:    The    funding   for  individual    with NDDB. In July 2023, 1,113 beneficiaries
               household biogas plants is as per the norms     from 25 Districts were taken on an exposure
               of the New National Biogas and Organic          visit to Zakariyapura and Muzkuva villages.
               Manure Programme (NNBOMP) of MNRE.              Workshops were also organized at NDDB to
               Under the cluster model, each District can      create awareness on the benefits of biogas.


                      With the implementation of this initiative, villages have become

                      visibly clean. The use of clean cooking fuel has improved the

                      health of women in particular. There has been considerable
                      saving in the cost of cooking fuel and also time, which can be
                      used for other social and economic activities. Farmers have

                      been utilizing the slurry obtained from their biogas plants in

                      agriculture, leading to promotion of organic farming. The excess
                      of biogas can also be shared with neighbours. The promotion
                      of Khad Mandali has given women a new source of livelihood,

                      operations of which are entirely handled by women.

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