Page 145 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 145

the machinery. With the decision to mobilize    support provided by Inovativa Waste
               funds internally, they used Rs. 6 lakhs from    Management Company.
               the migrants’ registration fund towards the
                                                               Each day, the facility processes around 600
               construction of the biogas project.
                                                               kgs of wet garbage generated mainly at the
               The biogas plant was inaugurated and            Verna Industrial Estate where the migrant
               became functional on 2  October 2022. It        workers are engaged. Waste is collected
               was installed using the contribution from       by the appointed waste collectors who
               the migrants’ registration fees and the         bring it to the plant for further segregation
               State grants given on the occasion of the       before treating the biodegradable waste
               60  Liberation of Goa State, while other        scientifically.
               machines were purchased under 14  and
               15  FC grants. The village panchayat and its    Biogas produced is converted into electricity
               Garbage Management Committee operate            and used to run the plant, for lighting, and
               and maintain the plant, with technical          to operate other machinery on site.


                                 Since operations at the biogas plant

                                 began, the burden of garbage has

                                 reduced. The plant is able to tackle all
                                 biodegradable waste in a systematic
                                 manner and has contributed to the visual

                                 cleanliness of the village. The community

                                 no longer faces the problem of waste
                                 dumped in public spaces, which used to
                                 attract stray animals and emit bad odour.

                                 Manure generated is distributed to the

                                 village community to be used in kitchen
                                 gardens. This has motivated other
                                 establishments in the area to replicate

                                 the system.

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