Page 143 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 143

The Directorate of Rural Sanitation under       Of the two biogas plants being set up
               the Department of Rural Development             by the implementation agency, one has
               and Panchayati Raj, Jammu and Kashmir,          a capacity of 45 cum biogas, capable of
               has undertaken the implementation of            processing 1,125 kgs of cow dung per day
               the GOBARdhan Project in the UT. The            to generate 15 kgs of biogas and meet the
                                                               cooking needs of around 90 people each
               intervention is likely to have a significant
                                                               day. The second 80 cum plant can process
               social and environmental impact on the
                                                               2,000 kgs of cattle dung and generate
               rural community.
                                                               32 kgs of biogas, sufficient for the cooking
                                                               needs of around 160 persons per day.


                                   The biogas plants will lead to several
                                   benefits such as smoke-free cooking,

                                   reduction       in   GHG       emissions      and
                                   deforestation, protection of health, saving

                                   of money, and increase in food security.

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