Page 177 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 177

was to develop a WASH Brigade and publish       Management Committees about specific
               their own magazine as a tool to promote         actions on campus cleanliness, safe
               peer learning, sharing and behaviour            drinking water, hand washing, personal
               change.                                         hygiene, food hygiene during mid-day meal
                                                               breaks, etc. Members of WASH Brigade are
               WASH Brigade is a forum of children             democratically elected every year.
               promoted by WaterAid in 152 intervention
                                                               During a 3-day writing workshop with
               schools across Fatehpur, Chitrakoot and
                                                               30 identified WASH Brigade members
               Unnao Districts in Uttar Pradesh under
                                                               from different schools in February 2023,
               its ‘WASH in School’ intervention. About
                                                               children learned about the basics of writing
               1,800 children are associated with WASH
                                                               and creative expressions. Children and
               Brigade and office bearers with WASH-
                                                               school teachers were actively involved in
               specific responsibilities. This includes        developing the layout and design of the
               educating other children, monitoring and        magazine, selecting stories, and drafting
               informing school teachers and School            the content.


                                 The first issue was released by Shri Sanjay

                                 Kushwaha, District Basic Education Officer,
                                 Fatehpur, in the presence of WASH Brigade

                                 members, school teachers, and members
                                 of School Management Committees on 6               th

                                 April 2023.

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