Page 179 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 179

invested. Clean care is a sign of respect to    accelerate action to prevent infections and
               those who seek care, and it also protects       antimicrobial resistance in health care and
               the health workers and others who provide       build a culture of safety and quality in which
               that care.                                      hand hygiene improvement is given high
                                                               priority’. The slogan was: ‘Accelerate action
               The campaign theme for World Hand
                                                               together. SAVE LIVES – Clean Your Hands’.
               Hygiene Day 2023 was: ‘Together, we can


                           Good hand hygiene habits instilled in children from

                           an early age promote a healthy society. Students
                           were encouraged to use hand sanitizers and soap

                           regularly and make hand hygiene a part of their daily
                           routine. Such small yet impactful efforts to raise

                           awareness about hand hygiene will go a long way
                           toward promoting health and hygiene in rural areas.

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