Page 25 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 25

charge collection. He reminded them that        Ms. Megha Kashyap, Director, District Rural
               quality door-to-door collection of waste,       Development Agency (DRDA); Shri Gautam
               transportation and disposal would prompt        Kumar, District Coordinator; local officials;
               people to pay the utility charges.              and community members.

               Thereafter,   he   visited   the   WPU    in    East Champaran, which has 396 GPs, has
               Ghorasahan North Panchayat and examined
                                                               been a frontrunner in the implementation of
               the mechanism that was put in place for
                                                               SBM-G Phase-II and ODF Plus interventions.
               waste management. Others present on
                                                               SLWM interventions began in 51 GPs in
               the occasion were Shri Saurabh Jorwal,
                                                               2021–2022, 110 GPs in 2022–2023, and 234
               District Magistrate; Shri Sameer Saurabh,
                                                               GPs in 2023–2024.
               Deputy Development Commissioner (DDC);


                          Considerable progress has been seen in all

                          villages on all ODF Plus fronts. According to
                          Shri Gautam Kumar, District Coordinator, WPUs
                          are now operational in 81 GPs. Door-to-door

                          waste collection and transportation are being

                          implemented in 62 GPs. One GOBARdhan plant (a
                          power generation unit) has been constructed and is
                          currently functional, which is capable of producing

                          18 Kilo Volt Amperes (kVA) of electricity to power

                          street lights and farming work.

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