Page 30 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 30


                               REUSES WASTE CREATIVELY

                        omen of the Astha Self-Help           Eight women from the Astha SHG have
                        Group (SHG) in Sindrani GP of         been appointed to work in the solid waste
              WNorth 24 Parganas District in West             management unit of Sindrani GP, which
              Bengal have come up with creative ideas         was set up as a part of SBM-G Phase-II.
              for reusing waste materials. In the process,    Presently, they collect waste from 2,800
              they upcycle unwanted materials to create       households.
              crafts and products with artistic value.
                                                              On the occasion of Dol Utsav, a festival of
              Waste collection and recycling are a            colours that marks the onset of the spring
              challenge for any solid waste management        season, the women made organic gulal or
              unit. While wet or biodegradable waste is       powdered colours from dry  flowers. They
              converted into nutrient-rich compost for        also made earrings with PET bottle caps,
              use in kitchen gardens or agriculture, non-     baskets from milk pouches, eco-bricks to be
              biodegradable waste including plastics has      used in constructing a boundary wall for the
              posed challenges in Sindrani GP.                SWM unit, wall hangings, etc.

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