Page 32 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 32


                               PRACTICES MAKE THIMMAPUR

                               AN ODF PLUS GP

                    himmapur GP in Karimnagar District        source into biodegradable (wet) and non-
                    of Telangana has established sound        biodegradable (dry) waste.
              Twaste          management        practices
                                                              The GP also made a route plan for
              that have helped generate revenue.
                                                              multipurpose workers to follow during the
              Such measures have improved visual
                                                              collection of household waste. The tractor
              cleanliness and contributed to making it
                                                              trolly has separate segments for different
              an ODF Plus GP.
                                                              kinds of waste, ensuring that wet and dry
              Home to a population of 3,689 individuals       waste is not mixed up. Dry waste is further
              from 1,235 households, the GP constructed       segregated into plastic, paper, glass, iron,
              a dump yard for waste management.               hazardous and other items separately and
              With the distribution of two bins to            arranged in the allocated chambers before
              each household, waste is segregated at          being taken to the segregation shed.

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