Page 36 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 36


                               BEACH CLEANING DRIVE IN

                               DIGHA BEACH

                    he District administration of Purba       The cleaning drive was successful in
                    Medinipur organized a massive half-       generating all-around participation from
              Tday beach cleaning drive in the                the three-tier PRI bodies and the local
              coastal area of Digha on 21  May 2023.          people. Officials from the Block and District
                                                              administration and PRI bodies, health workers,
              The District is situated along the coast of
                                                              NGOs, local volunteers, Accredited Social
              the Bay of Bengal and has many beaches.
                                                              Health Activists (ASHAs) and Integrated Child
              These are recreational areas that attract
                                                              Development Scheme (ICDS) workers, hotelier
              many local and international visitors who
                                                              associations, etc. also participated in the
              are seen sunbathing, swimming, walking, or
                                                              drive. They collected trash like plastic bottles
              engaged in surfing activities.
                                                              and packets, and cleaned the entire area.

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