Page 33 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 33

It takes 45–60 days for wet waste to be         Scrap Agency. A vermicompost stall has
               converted into vermicompost. So far,            been set up in the GP office premises for
               7,804 kg of vermicompost has been               sale of vermicompost. Having established a
               prepared from the wet waste collected           steel bank as an alternative to plastics, the
               from households in the village. Out of          GP encourages the usage of steel utensils
               this, 4,314 kg of vermicompost was used
                                                               instead of plastic and disposable items.
               for the nursery which is maintained by the
                                                               SUPs have been banned and awareness
               GP, and some of the manure was used for
                                                               activities have been conducted in the village
               plantations created under Haritha Haram,
                                                               to make people aware of plastic pollution.
               the Government  flagship programme for
               increasing green cover in the village. The      Regarding GWM, some households have
               remaining 3,490 kg of compost was sold          constructed individual soak pits while
               under the brand name Thimmapur Vermi
                                                               others have started kitchen gardens to reuse
               Compost, earning an income of Rs. 34,898.
                                                               greywater. In public spaces, cleanliness is
               An income of Rs. 19,850 was earned from         maintained by multipurpose workers.
               all types of dry waste sold to Kanakadurga


                           With such arrangements made for SLWM, care is

                           taken to ensure they are operated and maintained
                           properly. These efforts have made the Thimmapur

                           GP visually clean, inviting appreciation from officials
                           and making the GP a role model for other villages.

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