Page 28 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 28


                               TEMPLE WASTE IS MANAGED,

                               FARMERS BENEFIT

                    he SS Ghati Subramanya Temple             consists of 9 villages and a population of
                    in Melinajuganahalli GP, Bangalore        8,540 individuals from 1,688 households.
              TRural District, Karnataka, generates           Every January, lakhs of devotees throng the
              enormous waste from flowers, food, leaves       GP to witness the Swami’s Chariot Festival.
              and other items used for deity worship. The
                                                              During the festival and also at other times,
              temple authorities along with the District
                                                              garbage management was a huge challenge
              administration have now set up a facility that
                                                              in the GP. More often than not, the waste
              would enable them to convert all organic
                                                              generated was left to rot, leading to bad
              waste into vermicompost.
                                                              odour and an unhygienic atmosphere that
              Melinajuganahalli GP, also known as SS          caused discomfort to devotees and others
              Ghati, falls under the Dodballapur Taluk and    in the area. This also led to the menace of
              is situated 15 kms from Dodballapur city        mosquitoes, birds and stray animals that
              and 45 kms from the city of Bengaluru. It       were attracted to the garbage.

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