Page 85 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 85

Sarpanch at the household and ward levels,      guidance on constructing individual soak
               the community eventually agreed to the          pits and emphasized the proper dimensions
               setting up of soak pits.                        required.

               To ensure successful implementation, all        The Department of Rural Sanitation in Jammu
               PRI members and public representatives          and Kashmir successfully implemented
               were trained and given individual targets
                                                               GWM works in 7,163 villages across 20
               for constructing soak pits in their respective
                                                               Districts simultaneously. This effort resulted
               areas. These efforts were further supported
                                                               in the construction of a total of 2,30,244
               by TOT sessions organized at the Block
                                                               individual soak pits each designed to suit
               level, where resource persons from the
                                                               the terrains of Jammu and Kashmir. As a
               Districts trained PRI members and other
                                                               result, 41 villages were declared ODF Plus
               individuals who subsequently conducted
               multiple training programmes in villages.       model villages, and 373 villages achieved
               These programmes provided technical             the ODF Plus Aspiring status.


                                    These initiatives enabled the treatment

                                    of 80 per cent of the water supplied,
                                    used, and discharged as greywater from

                                    households and institutions through
                                    soak pits, leading to sustainable

                                    management of greywater.

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