Page 90 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 90


                               GWM UNIT IN SHIRUR GP

              A                                               contaminating the water body has been
                     greywater treatment unit consisting
                                                              replaced by a system that treats channels
                     of an adopted settler and a
                     Constructed Wetland (CW) was
                                                              use, etc.
              constructed in Bedavatti village of Shirur      the greywater into a canal for agricultural
              GP in Kuknoor taluk of Koppal District,
                                                              Before GWM work began in Bedavatti, a
                                                              survey was carried out to ascertain the
              Constructed at an estimated cost of             quantity of greywater generated by a
              Rs.10.05 lakhs (Rs. 6.60 lakhs from SBM-G;      total population of 1,071 individuals in the
              Rs. 3 lakhs from MGNREGA; and Rs. 0.45          village. After the survey was completed, the
              lakhs from the 15  FC Grant), the GWM unit      greywater treatment plant was constructed
              located at the outfall point is expected to     at one of the points where the greywater
              cater to 214 households in the village.         joined the river. The construction of another
                                                              treatment plant at a second outfall point is
              The previous practice of greywater joining
                                                              currently in progress.
              the river Hirehalla at two places and

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