Page 92 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 92


                               SETS UP GWM ASSETS

                               IN 86 VILLAGES

                    he District administration of North       The District administration conducted a
                    24 Parganas District in West Bengal       survey to identify areas that needed soak pits
              Twas keen to implement GWM in all its           and leach pits. The findings from the survey
              villages. It initiated the process in October   identified 8,446 community water source
              2022. So far, GWM assets have been              points prone to greywater stagnation.
              constructed in 86 villages out of the 613
                                                              The local SHG and the PRI members
              villages in the District.
                                                              were provided with training to motivate
              According     to    District   Coordinator,     households to construct household-level
              Mr. Suman Sarkar, the District faced the        soak pits and leach pits. In these training
              common problems of greywater stagnation         sessions, the advantages of having soak pits
              in low-lying areas and overflowing onto         and leach pits were discussed at length.
              village paths, leading to pollution and health
              risks like vector borne diseases.

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