Page 94 - Swachhata Chronicles – Transformative Tales from India (eBook)
P. 94


                               UTILIZES DEWATS FOR

                               SUSTAINABLE GWM

                n a remarkable example of public-             line, the greywater was discharged into the
                private partnership towards achieving         open. Additionally, the greywater from the
             IODF Plus status, under SBM-G Phase-II,          remaining 474 households was discharged
              Bharasar village in Kutch District, Gujarat,    into a stream outside the village, polluting
              is   successfully   managing      greywater     the water body.
              sustainably using the DEWATS technology.
                                                              Issue: The Sarpanch and PRI members
              Background: Under JJM, Bharasar had been        identified the need to manage solid and
              providing tap water connections and a           liquid waste at village level while preparing
              minimum supply of 55 litres per capita to its   the VSP for SBM-G Phase-II implementation.
              624 households, with the total population       Bharasar made efforts to repair and
              being 4,026. However, the village faced         construct the drainage system to manage
              a significant challenge as around 70 per        greywater. However, it was not a permanent
              cent of the water supplied to households        solution. In search of an appropriate
              was being converted into greywater, which       technology to address the village’s GWM
              was either  flowing into the open spaces        needs, the Sarpanch requested technical
              or contaminating water bodies. This led to      assistance of SBM-G initiative in the District.
              environmental and health risks, including
                                                              Strategy: At that time, UNICEF and PriMove
              vector-borne diseases.
                                                              provided handholding and capacity building
              The absence of a greywater treatment            support to PRIs and community leaders
              system at the village level was a pressing      on SLWM according to SBM-G Phase-II
              issue. Although wastewater from 150             guidelines, to bring about visual cleanliness
              households was connected to a drainage          to villages.

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